After breakfast the next day, they left the harbour and set course for Eden. Will and Sebastian settled on the deck to watch the sea and shoreline. Will suddenly stood up and shouted “Look Sebastian, a pod of dolphins swimming alongside the ship!”
“Wowee!” shrieked Sebastian, “look at them leap in the air, they are so graceful!”
One of the dolphins came closer to the ship and balanced on his tail in the water. He was looking straight at little Sebastian. “Hello” chirped Sebastian “I am Sebastian Sparrow and you look so wonderful swimming with your friends”.
”Hello Sebastian, I am Desmond Dolphin and very pleased to meet you. My friends and I will put on a show for you as we love to swim and do acrobatics.”
With that he re-joined the other dolphins and they swam in formation alongside the ship.
They jumped high in the air and back into the water again, then were swimming along upright powered by their tails.
“They look like they are smiling Will, and they are so clever. How special, our own show!” Sebastian chirped in wonder.
“Yes Sebastian, we have been very lucky to see this, they are wonderful animals” said Will.