A delightful selection for you to read below together with illustrations – all from the first book in the Sebastian Sparrow’s Adventures book: From Scared Chick to Brave Adventurer.
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Sebastian meets Harry the Horse
He pecked at seeds on the ground trying to look casual whilst peeking at the big animal next to him. He was a lovely dark brown colour and had a long neck and a large head with big sticky-up ears. At the end of his body was a thin hairy thing he assumed was his tail, and the animal stood on strong and sturdy long legs.
After a few moments, Sebastian decided he would say hello. He lifted his head and chirped loudly up at what he thought might be the head of the huge animal.
The animal looked down and made a loud noise that sounded like ‘neeiigghhh’.
“Hello,” said Sebastian. “I am Sebastian Sparrow and I live in the big tree six gardens back from the road. This is my first outing since I learnt to fly and I would like to get to know you.”
“Oh hello, I am Harry the horse and it is a pleasure to meet you little sparrow.”
“Do you live in this garden on your own?” asked Sebastian.
“Oh no,” said Harry, “Bruno the bloodhound lives here too. He is a fine dog that keeps all the unwanted critters away. See him over there with his head poking out his kennel?”
“Yes,” said Sebastian, “isn’t he rather large and very handsome? Can you tell me what critters are, and how does he keep them away?”
“Oh critters are little nuisance animals like mice and rabbits and of course cats, Bruno definitely does not want cats in here,” said Harry.
“Well I am very excited to have met you,” said Sebastian “and would love to visit again, but I must be going as I have four more gardens to visit before I get home.”
“Oh so nice to meet you too Sebastian, and do visit again soon,” said Harry.